JCL Interview Questions

1. Explain what is JCL?
JCL stands for Job Control Language. It is the command language of Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS). It is the normally used in Operating System in the IBM Mainframe computers.

2. Explain what is the use of JCL?
Job Control Language (JCL) is the command language of Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS), which is the commonly used Operating System in the IBM Mainframe computers. JCL identifies the program to be executed, the inputs that are required and location of the input/output and informs the Operating System through Job control Statements.

3. What are the types of job control statements?
The types of job control statements are JOB, DD, EXEC.

4. What is the JCL statement consists of?
JCL statement consists of Name field (optional), Operation field, Operand and Comments.

5. Current version of a GDG is used as input in step1 of a job and a new version is created as output. The output of step1 is used in step2 and the next version is created as output in step2. How do you reference step2 output in step3 input?
Step3 input: (+2)

6. How can you check if a file is empty using JCL?
When the file is used as input in IDCAMS, job completes with a warning (return code 4) if the file is empty.

7. A JCL has 4 steps and job abends in step2. How to restart the job from step2?
Add restart parameter in job card, RESTART = STEP2

8. What are the ways of passing data to a COBOL program from JCL?
Data can be passed to a COBOL program through files, PARM parameter and SYSIN DD statement.

9. How can the same PROC be re-used and called by many JOBs?
The varying portion of the JCL can be specified using symbolic parameters in the JOB and the static parts can be specified in the PROC.

10. How do you create a dataset in a JCL with the same file organisation as that of another existing dataset?
Use IEBGENER and pass existing file in SYSUT1. Pass new file in SYSUT2 and mention DCB=*.SYSUT1 to get the same DCB as that of SYSUT1 dataset.

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