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Change Command

CHANGE Command Overview:

This is similar to find, except the identified character will be changed to destination.

For example:

Let us take a below dataset.

change command example

If you want to change the first occurance of 'ibmmainframer' as 'www.ibmmainframer.com', then Type C 'ibmmainframer' 'www.ibmmainframer.com' and press Enter.

change command example

'ibmmainframer' string has been changed to 'www.ibmmainframer.com'.

In this example we have only one 'ibmmainframer' string. in case if we have more than one 'ibmmainframer' string then this command change only the first oourance of 'ibmmainframer' string.

If you want to change all 'ibmmainframer' string, then we have to use the command - C ALL 'ibmmainframer' 'www.ibmmainframer.com'

Few more examples below,

  • c p'.' x'00': Change all invalids to hex x'00'.

  • c p'.' x'00': Change all invalids to hex x'00'.

  • c p'###' 100: Change next 3 digit number to 100.

  • c all 73 80 p'=' " ": Blank out everything in cols 73-80.

  • c all p'-' 1 10 "0": Change all non-numeric chars to '0' in cols 1-10.

  • c all p'#' " " 20 25 : Changes all numeric character between column 20 to 25.

If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!

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