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Dataset List Utility Panel

Dataset list Utility Panel Overview:

Dataset List Utility can be selected by entering four on the utility panel or 3.4 from the Main Menu. This is the maximum used panel in the ISPF because of the following salient features available on this panel.

  • Search on dataset names

  • Personalized settings

  • Multiple operations on the datasets

  • Dynamic List of datasets

Step 1: Dataset List

Dataset List utility

Lists all dataset starting with your USERID

A dataset list can be displayed by entering a dataset name level in the "Dsname level" field and leaving the command prompt blank. By default, the catalog is searched for matching pattern for the Dsname level and all the dataset that match the pattern are shown as a list.

The panel shown in preceding figure above is an example of the VOLUME list with a Dsname level search of RACFID.* The Volume information shows the volume name on which the dataset resides A "+" besides the volume specifies that the dataset spans multiple volumes.

Other views include information on tracks allocated to the dataset; space used up by the dataset, used up extents, Device type, Dataset organization, RECFM, LRECL and Block size. This information can be looked up with a RIGHT or LEFT command. Use the View option on the tool bar for other choices.

Result: Dataset List

Dataset List

Press F11 to see other details as well. see below.

Dataset List details 1

Press F11 Again to see more details.

Dataset List details 2

If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!

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