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Primary Commands

Primary Commands in EDIT or Browse or View mode:

Primary commands are those that can be executed from the command line and are valid on any or all the lines of the dataset. General rules for entering primary commands are:

  • Either a blank or a comma can be used a separator between command operands.

  • The command input field contains trailing nulls. This means:

  • You can use the insert mode to insert or expand operands.

  • You cannot use the cursor keys to space between operands of a command.

  • If an error is detected in processing the command, then a message is displayed and the command is left in the command field.

  • If an ampersand (&) immediately precedes the command name, then the command is left in the command field after execution.

Following are the list of commands that can be performed on a Dataset or Member of a PDS:

  • BOUNDS: To set the left and right bounds.

  • CANCEL: To cancel edit without saving the data.

  • CAPS: To set CAPS mode off or on.

  • CAPS ON: saves all the data in the dataset in Capitals.

  • CAPS OFF: leaves the data as typed.

  • CHANGE: To find and then change a specified character string.

  • COPY: To copy data from another member or sequential data set.

  • CREATE: To create a new member of a partitioned data set.

  • CUT: To copy or move data to a clipboard.

  • DISPLAY: This command is available only in Browse mode operations. The DISPLAY command is used to specify the character to be displayed to represent invalid (non-displayable) characters, and to specify whether or not carriage control characters are to be displayed.

  • DELETE: To delete excluded or no excluded lines from data being edited.

  • EDIT: To cause a recursive entry into edits. Edit brings the member for editing while retaining the original member. You can go back to the original member with an END or CANCEL command.

  • END: To end the current Edit Session. Whether the data is saved or not depends on the profile setting 'AutoSave', which is discussed later.

  • EXCLUDE: To exclude lines those contain a specified character string.

  • FIND: To find a specified character string. Features are described in detail later in this chapter.

  • HEX: To set HEX mode off or on and to specify the hex display format.

  • HILITE: To set the enhanced and language sensitive colour settings.

  • MODEL: To copy a predefined model. A MODEL is a group of source statements and optional notes that provide sample data for creating and editing dialogs. The models contain prototype lines indicating the form of the requested dialog element, parts of which you may overtype with application-specific data.

  • MOVE: To move (copy and delete) a member or sequential data set.

  • NULLS: To set NULLS mode off or on and to specify the type of nulls.

  • NUMBER: To set NUMBER mode on or off.

  • PASTE: To copy or move data from a clipboard.

  • RENUM: To set NUMBER mode on and renumber the data.

  • REPLACE: To replace a member or an entire sequential data set.

  • SAVE: To save the data without ending the edit session.

  • SORT: To perform sorting functions on the data being edited. Sorting can be done on columns, in ascending or descending sequence.

  • TABS: To set TABS mode off or on and to specify the logical tabs char.

  • UNDO: To "undo" (reverse) the last command you entered.

  • UNNUM: To set NUMBER mode off and blank out sequence numbers.

The standard scrolling commands that are valid on the EDIT Entry panel are valid in the Edit screen also.

If you have any doubts or queries related to this chapter, get them clarified from our Mainframe experts on ibmmainframer Community!

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